Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Student Loan Consolidation Rates - It Pays To Shop Around

In order to repay them within the ten year period most loan programs favor, the monthly payments are often expensive - more expensive than most people can afford, especially six months after graduating. Consolidators go after recent college graduates much like credit card companies go after recent entrants into adulthood (aka people who have turned eighteen). With all of those options it's easy to get confused and frustrated and give up on the process.But why repay more than is owed? Interest rates are one thing, getting a paycheck every month certainly feels like another. This article serves to help recent Grads determine what the best student loan consolidation rates are.Student Loan Consolidation
- More Popular Than Ever Is it any wonder that student loan consolidation has become so popular? Not long after that six month grace period mark passes, the postcards and "official" offers start showing up in the Graduate's mailbox. Each offer promises a better rate than the last. It's hard to tell the "shady" loan programs apart from the legitimate programs.The best place to find a consolidator for your student loan is by calling whichever student loan organization you send your payments through. Sallie Mae and ACS are two of the most widely used student loan programs. They usually have several options ready and waiting for the Graduate to explore.The banks and lenders offering student loan consolidation rates through these larger programs are obviously legitimate and will probably make the consolidation process much easier than outside loan programs would.Internet Sources Of Student Loan Consolidation DealsAnother option when looking for student loan consolidation rates is the internet. Student Doc offers a number of resources for students and graduates including information on student loan consolidation rates.This website offers a review program for the best and worse consolidation programs. It talks about the various types of financial aid you may have accumulated and gives a great overview of Student related debt. Another site that goes into detail about options about student loan consolidation rates is a site called FinAid. It goes over the basic options available to recent college graduates and talks about the pros and cons of consolidation. It gives easy to understand information on interest rates and who is eligible for consolidation.Check Thoroughly for The Best Consolidation DealsWhatever method is chosen for consolidating student loans, it's important to research all of the options that are available. It's easy to take the first offer that comes along, but the first offer might not be the best, it might just have been the fastest to travel through the student's grapevine.Student loan consolidation offers are sort of like the credit card offers that start showing up after a person's eighteenth birthday.They are all tempting, but it's important to take care and consideration before settling on a repayment route. There are so many variables when it comes to consolidation rates that it is easy for people to get confused and frustrated. There are lots of options available out there. Happy researching!