Monday, December 29, 2008

Frequently Asked Questions About Student Loan Consolidation

A person who goes for the student loan consolidation may have a few questions in mind to ask about such consolidation process. You may be concerned about the student loan consolidation interest rates so that you can pick up the best among them. Conversely you may be concerned with the payments you make while your loan consolidation is in process.

The first question that comes to your mind always is why consolidate. The answer is that you consolidate your student loans to reduce the monthly premiums, get the principal reduced, enhance your savings so that you could use the extra money fruitfully or repay the loans much earlier than the scheduled dates.

Best time to go for consolidation student loans

If you can consolidate your student loans immediately after your graduation within the grace period you are likely to derive the maximum advantages out of such consolidation. The basic advantage of consolidating loans in the grace period is that you can lock down the lowest interest rates payable. Such consolidation is one of the best options when you try to improve your monthly cash flow or extend the repayment time span. The best part of it is that you can easily get some additional discount financially benefiting you in the process.

You will however have to pay on your loan dues while your loan consolidation is in process. Normally the process of student loan consolidation can take time in the range of 30-90 days. It is extremely important that you do not become a defaulter during this period which will render you ineligible for such loan consolidation.

Effects of the time taken for student loan consolidation

Since your consolidator will keep up to date track of your loan transactions the consolidation will be accordingly revised basing on the payments you have made since you submitted your application. The time span could be faster at 30-40 days or a bit delayed at 80-90 days.

Normally the period taken for processing and approval of your student loan consolidation application is dependent on the payoff statements and the response of your lenders. The Loan Verification Certificates, also called the LVCs may take some time to come from these lenders. However they will come and you will have your loan consolidated and previous accounts closed.

There could even be some circumstances, though rare, where you could sell your loans to others.

What do you do in case you are ineligible for student loan consolidation?

Under certain circumstances you may become ineligible for student loan consolidation. Such situations are -

• When you have already consolidated your loans earlier.

• If your loan amount is less than $20,000.

• When you owe repayment to only one lender.

If you are perturbed about the steps to be taken in such cases you may try one of the following options -

• You may consider some private student loan consolidation plan.

• You could refinance your home or some other properties to pay off the loan amount.

• Best student loan consolidation rate can give you income tax exemptions.

• You may obtain a personal loan from a bank or credit union.

Albert William to day is considered to be a master of student loan consolidation for long. Presently he is the professor of economics in a leading American University and has been the chief speaker in a series of seminars and meetings on the best student loan consolidation rates.

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